Please read all of our original articles covering topics in Total Knee Replacement- Choose from this menu list on left >
Stuart C. Kozinn MD (click here for Dr. Kozinn’s CV: Stuart C. Kozinn MD. 2015 CV )
Medical Director of the Scottsdale Joint Center and
The Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Total Joint Center
Watch our Video below about Michele Klein’s Titanium Total Joints. She was in a wheelchair for 3 years because of SEVERE rheumatoid Arthritis. She could not walk and had terrible flexion contractures of both hips and both knees. It was an incredible challenge, but She endured 4 joint replacements in 4 months -2 hips and 2 knees, and now she is enjoying more and more activities in her recovery. Did we mention that she is actually snowboarding again. Really!
We will be posting many individual original articles in this section. Dr. Stuart Kozinn has been doing Total Knees in Scottsdale Arizona for over 26 years. The articles posted reflect his opinion on the subjects involved. ( Other orthopedic surgeons may have their own opinions ! ) . If you would like a topic covered in more detail please contact our office by email at and Dr. Kozinn will try to address it online as soon as possible with an original article. Total Knee Replacement is one of the most successful operations you can have to relieve disabling knee pain, when it is done by a skilled Joint Replacement specialist. (You should try to find a fellowship trained total joint surgeon who does over 200 total joints a year!) Also see our Scottsdale Joint Center website for more information