Dr. Stuart Kozinn, MD – TotalKnee.Org

Total Knee Arthroplasty

Total knee arthroplasty is another term for total knee replacement. Arthro means joint in Latin, and plasty means to mold or create ( a new joint). The results of total knee arthroplasty are getting better with new materials and techniques. I happen to favor a rotating platform type of design. I think it adds a shock absorber function to the artificial joint. Many of my patients go back to playing softball and tennis with their knee replacements. I do ask that they choose not to do long distance running or jogging as I think this may eventually damage the cement bond to the bone. There is no research data on how much sports or activity is acceptable. It all comes down to common sense. Bike riding and swimming during the summer is particularly helpful in keeping the artificial joint mobile.  You can do yoga and stretching exercises every day.  Using the knee does help to keep it more functional.  Gliding sports and activities are better than pounding and jumping activities. Strong muscles make for a more stable and satisfying total knee arthroplasty.  If your knee pain is severe, you should come in for an evaluation. Call our main number at The Scottsdale Joint Center at 480-994-1149 . We will show you models of the different types of total knee arthroplasty that are now available.

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